Friday, 22 February 2013

Create a State Machine workflow in SharePoint 2013 designer workflow

One of the most important feature can be achieved in SharePoint 2013 designer workflow as we can achieve state machine workflow in SP2013 designer but not in SP2010/2007.

Below are the steps to create a state machine workflow:

1. Create a workflow in designer
2. Design the workflow by putting stages to the designer.
3. Add your custom actions into it as per below snap.

4. After completion of designing the workflow, publish it.
5. Test with associated list or library.


  1. where i can get impersonation step in sp 2013 designer for sp 2013 workflow.
    I am aware that sp2010 workflows provide this but i didnt get the same in sp2013 workflow.

  2. hi,
    can you pls help, without using workflow manager,can i implement workflow-state machine wf - using visual studio using sp 2010 platform and deploy it in sp 2013 site collection?
